Sunday, February 28, 2010


Something that i dont always like to admitt, but tend to blurt out when talking about t.v shows is that i am a huge tv junkie. I watch anything from House,Grey's Anatomy,Private Practice and Desperate Housewives to Bad Girls Club,Keeping up with the Kardashians, The biggest loser, American Idol and Project Runway, which to my boyfriend is garbage, But together we enjoy Pawn Stars,Shark Tank and Law & Order SVU. Thank goodness for tivo because i have several favorites recorded for the week and i cant always watch them the day aired. I keep pretty busy with work,school,dinner and homework but always look forward to ME time and thats when i catch up on MY shows.

I particuularily watch American Idol and The Biggest loser because the stories always seem to make me cry every once in a while. Everyone's story is different and it gives them a chance to open up, change, grow and achieve greatness. On American Idol the stress and nerves show and lead to bad performances. I was not impressed with the top 24 this past week, aside from Katie Stevens and casey James. On the Biggest Loser i get all emotional because i see how hard they work and the stress of the scale when the outcomes are shocking. I constantly put myself in their shoes.

I watch House and Grey's Anatomy because first of all, we all need to go to hospitals and see doctors and we are all patients at some point in our life. Well, these patients,diagnosis, and accidents that happen in the show always seem to be real situations. Which they aren't all, but it always makes you think what if? Secondly, I like the drama and comedy of the characters they portray and the love aspects that always keep you guessing and wanting more. I get anxious to see whats going to happen next.

My arguement is that my boyfriend would watch all Sports allday long if i let him. At least i like a variety. My mom and i talk about Project Runway over lunch, Larissa and i will buddy up and watch American Idol together and my girlfriends and i gossip and laugh about Bad Girls Club and Keeping up with the Kardashians. I think it's a girl thing! I guess it all depends on your preferences. What are some of your favorite tv shows to watch and why?

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