Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods

I am not particularily a huge golf fan, but i am interested in Tiger Woods for 2 reasons. One because he's suppose to come to the 2010 PGA in Kohler this year.
Two because like everyone else i am curious about the incident that occured on Thanksgiving night. Either way he is a huge celebrity and icon and needs some kind of explanation to his fans.

What took Tiger Woods 84 days? If he would of just came out right away his situation wouldnt be such a mess. Maybe then he wouldnt of lost some of his sponsers like Gatorade. And the huge matter over whether his wife was domesticly abusive or not. Which turned out to be a fabrication. But none the less, the paparazzi continues to harass Tiger's wife Elin and their children.
So I agree with him when he says "Please leave my wife and kids alone."

The truth of the matter is that Tiger Woods was an unfaithful cheater. After watching the ABC News, I am relieved of his honesty and touched by his painful tears. Also for his efforts to continue therapy and practice Buddhism. But what does everyone else think? Do you forgive him or not?

Some may argue that he is still another cheater in the sports world and got what he deserved. Others like myself are more forgiving and want to believe in him again. I want to see him here playing the 2010 PGA. Either way he has had a tremendous professional golf career!


  1. his public apologies are horrible. he clearly does not seem sincere when he has to read from a script.

  2. I was shocked to hear that he cheated on his wife, and i haven't been updated with the news. So, i can't really say that i'd forgive him or not.
