Sunday, February 14, 2010

Talk of the Olympics

The talk of the Olympics was the luge crash by the 21 year old Georgia luger named Nodar Kumaritashrili. I looked everywhere for the video and finally found it on Abc News. I dont see what the big deal was about whether to show the video or not. I understand it was a tragedy, but regardless people want to see it. The video i saw wasnt bloody or gorry. It was Nodar running off the track and banging into the support beam.

After the accident, it took the commission less than 24 hours to fix the problem. They immediately built a wall where the incident occured. They made the athletes start farther down the track which took out the equivalence of a 9 story drop and the length of nearly 2 football fields. They also shaved the ice track where the incident was so that there was a less of an angle.

This is one of the fastest courses they have ever had in the Winter Olympics. And yet athletes are hitting well over 90 miles per hour. The commission should of taken major precautions with a sport so dangerous as this one. There shouldnt be any deaths in the Olympics.

There was major debate whether the luge sport would be cancelled or not.
But the truth is the sport must go on. This is the Olympics and these athletes have trained and dreamed of this opportunity. There is always going to be some risk of danger involved in any Winter Olympic sport. Right?

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