Sunday, April 4, 2010

What Career to go for???

The reason i decided to return to school was because work started to slow down and i didnt see myself moving up. I love social careers because i am a social person who likes to work with people. It involves informing, enlightening, helping, training, and developing. I've always thought of an artist career in Education also because i absolutely love working with children and watching them learn and grow.

So Apparently according to LTC's Career Focus the top careers for the new decade include Medical Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, Customer Services Reps, Dental Assistants, Registered Nurses, Food Service Managers, Preschool teachers, Sales Reps and Welders, Cutters, Solderers.

What i struggle with when looking for a career is..... One the pay, I dont even have very high expectations. I actually want to earn between 25,& 30,000 a year. Is that too much to ask for? Second the schooling because i find it very difficult to go back to school after a 5 year gap and work like crazy and maintain a lifestyle on your own. Not to mention homework. Definately my weakness. Lastly the career has to be something i would enjoy doing the rest of my life. I dont want to be one of the half of Americans dissatisfied with my job.

I almost wish i could go back into time and do highschool all over. I would of taken the college planning alot more serious. Then maybe i would have found a career i was extremely passionate about and would stop at nothing til i accomplished it. Until then i am going to continue my college journey with an open mind for learning and hope a career comes my way!


  1. I agree, it's hard to find a career that you really like.

  2. I understand where you are coming from completely Kim. I also returned to school after a five year gap because of a longing for a more fulfilling career. I am not exactly sure what that career is right now but I do have a general idea and am working towards it. I like that you called your college career a journey. When I think about that word it implies traveling (so to speak) for a long period of time to arrive at a different, more desirable destination. There have been many times in my life when I have embarked on a journey without knowing the true destination that I sought, but it has always lead me to exactly where I needed to be. I have faith that this journey will be no different.
