Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer Sports

I have never been involved in sports, even back in highschool. But last year i took up volleyball through Odyssey and enjoyed every minute of it. This year i decided to add and take on softball. I partly only wanted to play sports to get active and get a work-out without actually going to a gym. However i don't know if these sports will interfere with my work schedule.

Volleyball was particularily fun because i got to play with all my girlfriends from work. We drank beers and had a good time. We did have a few things to work on like communication. We needed to call our balls. Also we didnt have the Bump, Set, Spike down like other teams. But all in all it was a good time and i look forward to playing next month.

Softball has been a little more of a challenge for me. I have only made it to one practice because work has been crazy, but let me tell you it's alot harder than i thought. First of all it's coed and many of the girls on my volleyball team are playing which is pretty exciting. But i have never played before so my stance for hitting was way off. I need to go to a batting cage to get it down. the positions i played so far are second and third base. I can catch but i cant throw as hard and far as i thought i could. But all in all it was a good time. But my body hurt everywhere after that first practice yesterday. Seriously.

I guess i am incouraging any slightly older adults out there to get back out there and play some sports. Especially if you have never played before like me. The cost is very little and affordable. Its a great time if you know some friends who want to get together. But all in all it is beneficial for your body and healthy to get some excercise.

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