Sunday, February 28, 2010


Something that i dont always like to admitt, but tend to blurt out when talking about t.v shows is that i am a huge tv junkie. I watch anything from House,Grey's Anatomy,Private Practice and Desperate Housewives to Bad Girls Club,Keeping up with the Kardashians, The biggest loser, American Idol and Project Runway, which to my boyfriend is garbage, But together we enjoy Pawn Stars,Shark Tank and Law & Order SVU. Thank goodness for tivo because i have several favorites recorded for the week and i cant always watch them the day aired. I keep pretty busy with work,school,dinner and homework but always look forward to ME time and thats when i catch up on MY shows.

I particuularily watch American Idol and The Biggest loser because the stories always seem to make me cry every once in a while. Everyone's story is different and it gives them a chance to open up, change, grow and achieve greatness. On American Idol the stress and nerves show and lead to bad performances. I was not impressed with the top 24 this past week, aside from Katie Stevens and casey James. On the Biggest Loser i get all emotional because i see how hard they work and the stress of the scale when the outcomes are shocking. I constantly put myself in their shoes.

I watch House and Grey's Anatomy because first of all, we all need to go to hospitals and see doctors and we are all patients at some point in our life. Well, these patients,diagnosis, and accidents that happen in the show always seem to be real situations. Which they aren't all, but it always makes you think what if? Secondly, I like the drama and comedy of the characters they portray and the love aspects that always keep you guessing and wanting more. I get anxious to see whats going to happen next.

My arguement is that my boyfriend would watch all Sports allday long if i let him. At least i like a variety. My mom and i talk about Project Runway over lunch, Larissa and i will buddy up and watch American Idol together and my girlfriends and i gossip and laugh about Bad Girls Club and Keeping up with the Kardashians. I think it's a girl thing! I guess it all depends on your preferences. What are some of your favorite tv shows to watch and why?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods

I am not particularily a huge golf fan, but i am interested in Tiger Woods for 2 reasons. One because he's suppose to come to the 2010 PGA in Kohler this year.
Two because like everyone else i am curious about the incident that occured on Thanksgiving night. Either way he is a huge celebrity and icon and needs some kind of explanation to his fans.

What took Tiger Woods 84 days? If he would of just came out right away his situation wouldnt be such a mess. Maybe then he wouldnt of lost some of his sponsers like Gatorade. And the huge matter over whether his wife was domesticly abusive or not. Which turned out to be a fabrication. But none the less, the paparazzi continues to harass Tiger's wife Elin and their children.
So I agree with him when he says "Please leave my wife and kids alone."

The truth of the matter is that Tiger Woods was an unfaithful cheater. After watching the ABC News, I am relieved of his honesty and touched by his painful tears. Also for his efforts to continue therapy and practice Buddhism. But what does everyone else think? Do you forgive him or not?

Some may argue that he is still another cheater in the sports world and got what he deserved. Others like myself are more forgiving and want to believe in him again. I want to see him here playing the 2010 PGA. Either way he has had a tremendous professional golf career!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Talk of the Olympics

The talk of the Olympics was the luge crash by the 21 year old Georgia luger named Nodar Kumaritashrili. I looked everywhere for the video and finally found it on Abc News. I dont see what the big deal was about whether to show the video or not. I understand it was a tragedy, but regardless people want to see it. The video i saw wasnt bloody or gorry. It was Nodar running off the track and banging into the support beam.

After the accident, it took the commission less than 24 hours to fix the problem. They immediately built a wall where the incident occured. They made the athletes start farther down the track which took out the equivalence of a 9 story drop and the length of nearly 2 football fields. They also shaved the ice track where the incident was so that there was a less of an angle.

This is one of the fastest courses they have ever had in the Winter Olympics. And yet athletes are hitting well over 90 miles per hour. The commission should of taken major precautions with a sport so dangerous as this one. There shouldnt be any deaths in the Olympics.

There was major debate whether the luge sport would be cancelled or not.
But the truth is the sport must go on. This is the Olympics and these athletes have trained and dreamed of this opportunity. There is always going to be some risk of danger involved in any Winter Olympic sport. Right?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I didn't really have plans for the Superbowl this year. One because i had to work 7-3pm and two because i partly didn't care. I was invited to two Superbowl parties and asked to get a drink at Bourbon St by another. But i wasnt really interested.

Usually my boyfriend John and I will have a few people over and i will make some taco dip and pigs in a blanket. I can usually sit through one game. But anything more than that is too much football. I would actually say that i like football, but i dont love it.

A few things i enjoy about football is our home team the Packers, the quarterback sneak, stiff arms,touchdowns, rough sacks and fast running backs. A few things i dont enjoy about football are the penalties that i dont always understand, all the other pre and post game shows, and the volume my boyfriend puts the tv on.

I have had one experience going to a Packer Game in 2007. I enjoyed it for the most part but disliked the mad dash of shopping at the Sports Shop. I hated the weather and being cold. I didnt like the sardines in a can seating because i spilled my beer. But the company of friends made it all worth! Dont know if i will ever partake in another football game, but We'll see.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My first blog

Seeing that my first blog isn't due til Feb. 8th. I thought i would just say a few words about my thoughts on blogging. I find it crazy how fast blogging and twittering has become popular. Its everywhere from celebrities, to fans, the news or even the NFL.

I understand that it is a way to get your opinions and thoughts out there. That it may even relieve stress or anger management. That it can be relaxing and let your words come alive. BUT What is it about people that feel they need to tell the whole world what they think, when its not always of importance?