Sunday, May 2, 2010

Poker Night

When i was younger my dad taught my sisters and i some card games. We played Gin, Rummy, Poker, Blackjack and 7 No Peek. He wished he would of taught us Sheeps Head because it is his favorite and he plays it everyday at work with his change. But we never got around to it and we hear it's a little more complicated. I have always enjoyed any card games and even remember playing drinking games like Ride the Bus, Mushroom, Asshole and Bullshit. I would have to say Texas Hold'em is my favorite.

Last night my boyfriend rounded up some buddies for a game. He allowed me to partake since my girlfriends don't know how to play. Oh how i wish they could play. We could have our own game like the Desperate Housewives, but i will have to teach them someday. We usually play with 5-8 players. Last night we had 6ppl.

We play cash games, not tounament style because it's too long. This allows us to play with $10-$25 or whatever we prefer. one of his buddies hates playing with me because he said i get lucky. I would have to say that i take chances and get lucky on the river card. Sometimes i bluff on a large pot and scare them away. But i usually don't lose unless i drink too much and get bored or tired.

One time my dad and i entered a tournament at Emil maze Hall. I was surprised to see over 200 people there. We were way out of our element. I was hoping luck would be on my side but it wasn't. We were both out half way through the crowd and did not buy back in. It was a fun experience to share with dad but these people were smart, attentive betters and more experienced. I quickly realized the difference from our small group to the large crowd. But it was all luck and depended on the cards. Luck was not on my side that day:)


  1. Poker rocks! I agree, it is mainly a male dominated game but us women can hold our own. I have a good poker face so I get away with quite a bit but I also get extremely lucky. The last time I played I had four of a kind twice in one night, needless to say I made some money. The tournaments aren't really my thing, I get too bored and sloppy because of it. I don't think I would ever attempt to play with poker enthusiasts because it gets too serious. For some reason poker can bring a crazy side out of people and that takes the fun out of it for me. I will stick to my small group of guy friends and my small pot of loot. Unless you need an extra player for your desperate housewives game :)

  2. I like playing card games, but I never understood how to play poker! =) This sounds so much fun though.
