Saturday, May 8, 2010

Family :)

I am so very family oriented! I love love love my Mother, my daddy-o and my two sisters. We are very close and can talk to eachother about anything. I am lucky to have a new bother in law and one more by next year. I guess i am the best for last to marry.

A few days ago i was extremely stressed with a headache and sick to my stomache. I went to my mom to unload and have a nervous breakdown. I cried and i cried about work, school, homework, money and the boyfriend. When i was finally finished and calmed down, i was surprised how much better i felt. Sometimes putting up a guard and not talking about it makes things worse. So my advice when stressed out is to find someone to let it out with. You will feel much better.

I have always looked up to my Dad because he's so hard-working, helpful, and loving. We three girls are truly greatful for all we put him through. Can you imagine growing up and sharing a bathroom with 4 women? LOL. He is the best Dad ever and always willing to help with car problems, house maitenance, or pretty much anything.

We all have crazy work schedules and find it hard to make family time. But when we do it is always a good time. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, and i definately can't wait til we have babies. My parents keep saying they get asked at work about Grandchildren all the time. But only time will tell. So cheers to the future!!


  1. lols, this reminds me of my own family. =) I'm also very family-orientated. You're dad is just like mine!

  2. cheers to the future. Family first.
